Monday, August 13

My wrong birthday

Well it's that time of the year again folks. And oh, sorry and thank you to those who wished me a happy birthday on my bogus "Friendster" birthday (I promise to correct it someday). It is unbeknownst to most of them of course, but thanks to those who were aware and greeted me anyhow. This time of the year has always been somewhat of a difficult time for me in terms of deciding on what to do. I have found myself saying what people always seem to say when asked that question; i don't know yet. In all honesty though, i really didn't know. I really didn't know because my birthday week just sort snuck up on me. Unlike some folks who count down the days, i seem to be oblivious until a few days before. Maybe subconsciously i wished it would just pass me by, or better- never come? In fact when i finally realized i had a birthday coming up, i made plans in such a haste that i made it on the wrong day lol (August 15 instead of the 16th haha). Not that i couldn't correct myself or anything, of course i easily could have. But somehow when Adrian indicated my birthday is on the coming Thursday, not Wednesday like i initially thought and planned, i simply dismissed him. "So Wednesday is okay then? Great!" i confirmed. In all honesty, that was a revelation to me. Until Adrian said something, i didn't know i messed up haha. Not my sister (my only sibling), my friend Christian, and other friends who knew precisely when my birthday is, did not realize i was making a mistake. Hah! Suddenly it occurred to me the tedious task of calling everyone to reschedule. And mind you, at this point i hadn't even decided on the restaurant yet. But i figured, who the hell cares? One needn't celebrate a birthday on the actual birth date, right? Like Jesus for instance, i hear we celebrate his birthday on the wrong day. Okay...

I always seem to mess-up peoples birthdays anyway, and this time i have outdone myself and forgotten my own! I don't necessarily look forward to birthdays to begin with, I guess because i don't like the inherent celebratory thing about it. I really wish my birthday fell on the month of February or something just so i didn't have to come-up with the compulsory plan every year. I could just go snowboarding and call it a year. That's more fun than any kind of dinner or bar anyway. Perhaps forgetting the correct day and it sneaking up on me was a testament to my true feelings towards my birthday this year. Maybe i didn't want to celebrate... But then again, i thought, i didn't want to celebrate last year. Hmmm so for sake of dissimilarity, must do something this year. Dinner with friends!!! Besides my friend Christian kept bugging me about my plans. I think secretly he wished i would say something like "strip club!!!" just kidding tol. I guess you could say he was the inspiration to my change of heart, strip club notwithstanding lol. Or maybe i just needed a nudge from someone...

And so with the help of Adrian (my personal restaurant guide-- who is responsible for the last two first-dates i've had that went straight into the shitter) and friend Sarah, i've narrowed down the choice of restaurants to the neo-traditional Japanese BBQ place called Gyu Kaku, and this Italian restaurant that City-Search reviewed as old-world recipes that evoke grandma's kitchen, Sisley Italian Kitchen. Both has a lot to offer and boast excellent online reviews-- it's a toss up basically.

I guess the upside about my birthday is that it falls on a Wednesday, or rather a Thursday (Obviously most birthdays fall on weekdays. I'm just really glad i'm on the mid-swing). And what does that mean exactly you're wondering? Well that means i don't necessarily have to be too creative and the post-dinner bar or club is optional only. My guess is we'll skip it (unless Christian gets really creative, you know what i mean?). Besides, its a school night...

It's probably indicative of my advancing age, because a year ago i would have at least had second thoughts about my friends strolling their toddlers along to my birthday dinner. This year, i actually suggested they bring the little ones lol. Kids are easy anyway. I've figured out that if you do the opposite what their parents would do or say when they do something bad, they would love you. It works seriously. If you're out to dinner, just make sure you don't run out of fries and juice of some kind. Have plenty of napkins to go around, be prepared for flying food and the high possibility of a spillage. And for the love of God, do not forget extra diapers! Other than that, it's a cinch... Hmm, maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

Anyway, getting old...


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