Walking in L.A.
I was telling my friend Sarah that walking in L.A. without a car easily accessible to me felt a lot like being naked, while walking in L.A.. Albeit parked just 18 miles away in the North Hollywood metro station. I had decided commuting was the smarter choice that day not only because they tend to inflate parking fees when there are events (Chinese New Year parade in China Town), but i thought it would be a good experience. I hadn't been in a train since backpacking in Italy many many years ago while i was serving in the United States Military (Less than meritoriously i might add). And i remember it to be an unpleasant experience because we had such a long way to go and i could not sleep a wink...L.A. was going to be different of course. My destination was merely a few stops away. Not quite as interminable and uncomfortable as a cross country train ride across Europe (albeit, overnight...). Of course nothing beats the convenience of a car to any destination within city limits. It just makes life easier and less stressful, especially if you hate to wait and most especially if people annoy you (as sometimes they do me). This was probably more an experiment than a matter of convenience for me anyhow. Sure it would have cost me $20 to park anywhere downtown for this event but it seemed a small price to pay in exchange for the relative safety of my all-important vehicle while enjoying a wholesome day at the parade (and not to mention the 45 minute train commute and the 4 block walk).
The train station in North Hollywood wasn't at all what i had expected though. It felt really modern (although it is relatively new)... I guess i was hoping to see ticket-booth attendants in those dapper uniforms and a conductor to cry "All board!!!". Instead i was greeted by an obtuse machine that dispenses tickets. How impersonal (hello, jobs?). I was even looking for steam. I guess I kept forgetting it was a subway system not an old fashion train station... I had no clue what i was doing and how much it would cost to travel to downtown Los Angeles so i inserted a $20 bill. It surprised the heck out of me because it suddenly spat out $18.75 in change along with the train ticket in the same slot. DOH! For some reason i was expecting it to cost around $7.00. But apparently some things are still cheap even in L.A.. Hey how about that? And The Union Station downtown, forget about it. I thought i was less than charming or maybe it's just me...
I noticed no one knew how to use those damn Ticket Machines. We faced the same problems so we'd ask each other for help to no avail. "Just push any button..." one guy blurted (That was when i inserted a $20 bill. Thanks guy...). Another observation i made as i was taking-in the immense subterranean train station were all the people ignoring the Los Angeles Subway "Honor System". I guess no one checks anyway so why bother paying right? It ain't like the subway systems in New York City or probably anywhere else in the world for that matter, where each and every ticket is validated. It just goes to show how some people could get so dishonest sometimes... The ride itself was uneventful however but i suppose when riding a train underground, that is exactly how you would want it to be. I was surprised to find some families commuting too. Perhaps heading to the same destination as I. I even saw this lady and her little toddler who was at The Getty Villa the previous Saturday in Malibu...
Overall i thought it was a somewhat memorable day, if not educational. I just wish i hadn't been so observant. Witnessing people's dishonestly really left a bad taste in my mouth somewhat. Yes we live in a place where we undoubtedly give-up a large chunk of our hard-earned money to taxation and perhaps causes and laws we don't necessarily support nor believe in, but if it comes down to it would you rather not be paying taxes and live in some other country? Didn't think so. It seems a petty offense i know, but i believe in principles and i believe in this country. God am i being melo-dramatic about this? Okay i will stop...
Hey how about the Chinese New Years Parade? It was so mesmerizing at times i had forgotten i went there to take photographs to begin with in more than a few occasions. There were also lots of cute girls but unfortunately with boyfriends in tow. Sigh. What single girls don't dig parades? Here's an interesting question; who brought who to the parade?

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