When Toby met Charlie...
Meet Charlie the newest addition to the Gabay Family. She is a red-nosed Pitbull at the tender age 10 months old. And her bark still sounds as if she is only 2 months old (quite cute actually) but is already showing signs of predatory instincts at least toward smaller animals like birds and cats (and sometimes Bigger. She showed some interest toward a fully grown rather terribly scary Rottweiler the other day Yikes!). Toby (my hyper aggressive American Eskimo) has not warmed up to her yet and has become quite territorial especially in and around the house where his rule is undisputed (at least amongst Animals). Charlie isn't quite ready to concede even though she is the new girl in town and has held her own in the pecking order...It's going to take some time and effort to get them to co-exist. Yes i said "Co-exist" because they seem to want to take each others heads off especially at meal time... I am walking them together a lot to get them to get used to each other. Yep Caesar Milan style. Good times...
This is Foxy and Toby. I lost her last year (the Husky)
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