New Kicks
I've never been much of a shoe guy. I don't buy shoes until i have to replace them or until they're too ugly to wear. I generally have four pairs of shoes laying around the house. A pair of hoop shoes that are replaced annually due to wear and tear, a pair of everyday and running shoes, and a couple of dress shoes...I've tried before to keep some kind of a nice casual pair to wear like on the weekends. You know that pair of $100 Jordans or fancy air max but they never seem to remain clean because i always find a way to dirty them up. Like for instance, shortly after i bought my first pair of Jordans several years ago, i attended my ex-girlfriends family BBQ with my new kicks on at a newly built rented private park. Unexpectedly the new park had three newly built pristine basketball courts, i mean they were pure as the driven snow lol. When the boys began playing ball i just couldn't resist... After that day, them Jordans became regular pick-up game hoop shoes. Granted, theyr'e good and comfortable on the public concrete courts, they're just too expensive for pick-up hoop duties... Another pair i bought just last year, a pair of Classic Nikes that i loved and wore only on casual Fridays and the weekends, went kaputt... These shoes are probably the most comfortable shoes i've ever owned. In my first Paintball experience just a month and a half ago, i thought, since them damn Nikes were so comfortable that i would wear them. Somehow it didn't occur to me that it could possibly ruin them. I'm not sure why that easily foreseeable possibility didn't quite register in my head. So after a single day of tunnel crawling and transversing over rugged dirt terrain, my favorite pair of kicks became the official paintballing shoes...
After working for two weeks at my new refreshingly casual work environment job, i wanted more shoe options. See in my previous job, we were required to wear semi business-casual, the irony is that people wore their semi business casual attires like a cheap dull looking worn-out uniform anyway. I mean it was Technical Support-- no one cared about business casual!!! Anyway, the everyday casual got me to thinking that --i really need more shoes--. First off my casual shoes are white and gets dirty easily, my running shoes has coffee stains and are now limited to treadmill duties, my other pair is my indoor basketball shoes that i wear only for that purpose and an outdoor pair (yea trust me-- indoor basketball shoes is a must unless you like sliding around the basketball court) and a ton of retired shoes that are basically too worn and ugly to wear. You know what they say-- you can tell a lot about a man by his shoes... Don't get me wrong, i am not a complete stickler with clean shoes, let's just say they have to be somewhat neat...
So in an attempt to expand my rather modest shoe rack, i purchased a new pair of Kobe Bryant Nikes, they're real expensive i might add. I wouldn't normally spend that kind of money for high-tops or for any kind of shoes, but theyr'e great looking shoes, although i am not sure if the carbon fiber on the sides serve any any other purpose but looks. Well, with the exception of dress shoes and maybe the occasional Nike or Jordans-- i stick to the cheap stuff, because if i gotta dress up and you're not an impressively spiffy guy like myself, well, at least your shoes are jaunty looking...
Now i have more shoes to wear. I plan to get a couple more...
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