Left foot breaking
The Starting Grid
Driver order: Stan first to go followed by Adam, Albert then myself.
When Stan told me "ya bro you gotta do SOME left foot breaking" i thought he meant tapping the breaks with my left foot while on the throttle NASCAR style. What he actually meant was you break with your left foot fulltime because the steering assembly is between your legs therefore the break pedal is positioned specifically for your left foot. This took many laps and spin outs to acclimate because your right foot insticntively seeks for the break pedal that is not actually there. Ya that was my first goal, get used to left foot breaking. Second was not to wreck the car.
Six hours two Carburetors, one replacement motor and one clutch later i was happy to bring the car to the checkered flag for the finish on my third stint in one piece. We placed 14th overall with 15 race teams. LOL. Ya we were better than only one other team. Well considering all the time spent in the pits for repairs setting us over 30 laps behind were happy not to finish in last place.

The checkered Flag

I'm much grateful to Stan for considering me for his 4th driver. Stan and i have been road racing fans for as long as i can remember. I never considered karting as serious road racing but after 3 stints (1 1/2 hrs) of seat time in a race situation, i mean Geez these cars have the same physics as any open wheen racing or GT cars. You still have to drive the best line have the best set up still have to hit the right breaking zones and accelerate through the apex correctly otherwise your just not competitive. And believe me these guys are some serious racers.
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